Jenn's Blog

Memories of my tours and vacations, photos of places I've been...and other things that interest me...

Monday, October 18, 2004

Paris, France

Posing in front of Eiffle Tower
Here's the big group in front of the Eiffle Tower. Because of the size of the group, we didn't stay in the same place. My best friend and I got to stay at the home of a lady in Paris while others stayed in hotels. I will say this. I got the better end of the deal! We rode the Metro every day to meet up with the rest of the gang and we were pros by the end of the week :) In this photo, our mouths were open because we were asked to naturally, we did!

My ticket
Because of our advantage of staying with a family, we got to do more sight-seeing than the others in the group. I got to go up the tower at night and see why Paris is called "the city of lights". The boats have HUGE lights on them that shine up the sides onto the buildings and it's just awesome! Definately something to see in person :)

Notre Dame
Here it is! Notre Dame, the famous cathedral... We had a 2 hour bus tour which led us here. It was so peaceful inside.

in Notre Dame
Here we are inside Notre Dame. Notice we're singing! Because the tour guide heard us singing in front of the Eiffle Tower, she told a friend who worked at the church and we were invited to sing there! Thank goodness for my friend who has perfect pitch! We sang a few songs in between masses and I will say, it was a priviledge! When the choir cut off, you could hear the chord swelling and swirrling above our heads around and around. One word defines that moment: awesome

King Louis XIV was too rich for his own good. It's sick to think this man had so much money that he even had gold wallpaper while just outside his doors, his country was starving. Here's some interesting facts about Versailles and the Sun King.


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